Being a normal kid doesn't always come easy for Gavin Lambert.

Gavin, 7, has Friedreich's Ataxia, a debilitating, degenerative neuromuscular disease that affects his coordination, balance and energy level. In time, it may have dire effects on his mobility, speech and hearing, and pose a risk for diabetes and cardiac disease.

He knows he's different, but Gavin doesn't have a name for what sets him apart from other kids his age.

For now, his parents, Dawn and Kevin, choose not to discuss particulars of the disease with him.

"We don't want him to see what could happen and think that's what's definitely going to happen," said Dawn Lambert.

So they concentrate on what he can do. He loves riding roller coasters, building stuff with Legos, and collecting Matchbox cars. He has a couple of thousand, at least. His bedroom décor features Star Wars, Transformers and other super heroes. He likes to play with his younger brother, Evan, who turns 2 soon.

Read More: Trike brings thrilling rides for boy with rare disease