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ride to cure FA - rideATAXIA

rideATAXIA is a nation-wide program of bike rides that welcomes people of all abilities to ride, and to raise funds for FARA's mission to treat and cure FA through research.


Initiated by Kyle Bryant in 2007, rideATAXIA has raised invaluable awareness for FA and over $10 million in support of FA research grants.

Bryant’s inspiration spurs from his diagnosis at age 17 and the discovery that he could travel long distances under his own power on a recumbent tricycle. Fueled by the passion to do more for himself and the FA community, Bryant and his family completed a 2,500 mile bike ride from San Diego to Memphis to raise awareness and funds for FA research.

That was just the beginning of rideATAXIA. Now functioning as a program of the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA), rideATAXIA offers challenging and family fun bike rides.

From all corners of the world, people gather to rideATAXIA events for friendship, camaraderie, and the opportunity to engage new communities, moving forward together, towards treatments and a cure.

Each ride features:
  • Multiple route lengths to accommodate different levels of ability
  • Fully stocked rest stops
  • Strong SAG/mechanical support
  • Delicious post ride food
Whether you are a beginner, disabled athlete, or a seasoned cyclist, please join us for scenic cycling, great food and family fun at a location near you.